Meet the Community - Josh Barnickel - Milwaukee Esports Alliance
The Milwaukee Esports Alliance: Growing the culture and connectivity of our regional Esport groups, gamers, businesses, community partners, while advancing metro Milwaukee’s standing as a national leader in the space, which is poised for future infrastructure and development.
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Meet the Community – Josh Barnickel

Meet the Community – Josh Barnickel

Who are you? (First and Last Name)

  • Josh Barnickel


What Organization do you represent? (As it relates to why you’d be getting highlighted in an Esports Newsletter)

  • Magik4 Gaming 


Why do you personally believe esports is important, both to our region and in general?

  • Esports are incredibly important! Competitive gaming provides an outlet & way for many to show their passion, hard work & competitive drive in a way that is far more accessible to individuals than more traditionally accepted forms of athletic competition. Wisconsin & the Midwest in general has a very storied past regarding academic, athletic & competitive accolades in which Esports & Gaming naturally fit. It is yet another avenue for even more of us to show who we are & what we can do!


What games did you grow up playing and what are you playing the most now?

  • I started gaming since I was gifted a hand-me-down NES from my cousin’s & haven’t stopped since. I have an incredibly strong attachment to fighting games, as I grew up in the prime of Arcade machines littering retail stores, laundromats, even sit-down family restaurants would have a machine or two in the waiting area & 9 times out of 10 they were a Neo Geo MVS cabinet with Metal Slug or some fighting game I had never heard of. I don’t have as much time to dedicate to playing as I used to, but my love for fighting games has only gotten stronger.


If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?

  • Most likely TMNT Turtles in Time. It is one of those games that whenever I see it, I have to play it. Plus it’s fun solo but even better with friends.


Where can people find you? (Socials/Twitch/etc)

  • Website:
  • Twitter: @Magik4fgc
  • Twitch:

If you would like to learn more on how to get involved, please email 

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