Advisory Board - Milwaukee Esports Alliance
The Milwaukee Esports Alliance: Growing the culture and connectivity of our regional Esport groups, gamers, businesses, community partners, while advancing metro Milwaukee’s standing as a national leader in the space, which is poised for future infrastructure and development.
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MKEsports Alliance
Brandon is an avid fan of gaming, both retro and modern era and brings a successful background in development from both the Entrepreneurial, as well as Not for Profit arenas. He’s been recognized in several capacities in recent years for work done connecting the community and is excited for the continued growth of Esports in Milwaukee.

Dr. Krista-Lee Malone, originally from Milwaukee, is a faculty associate at UW-Madison and teaches in the Game Design Certificate. Krista-Lee is a Twitch streamer, designer, consultant, and researcher working with indie and educational games. She believes public gaming can be used to destigmatize divergent groups, promote diversity in games, and aid in players’ personal growth. She is committed to bridging the gaps between esports communities, gamers, and Wisconsinites writ large through play. Although she does not have a favorite game, she generally enjoys RPGs and cooperative games.

88Nine/Longplay Festival
Tarik is one of Milwaukee’s most prominent individuals, innovators and esports enthusiasts. Originally from Atlanta, he uses his talents in a variety of capacities – including his current position as Director of Digital Strategy and Innovation at 88Nine Radio. (where he’s also an evening music host). In 2019, Tarik/88Nine Labs partnered with Northwestern Mutual to create a gaming festival called Longplay, which consisted of gaming tournaments, panels, talks and an area to just hang out play video games. His favorite game is Civilization VI.

Terra Translations
Marina Ilari is CEO of Terra Localizations, a global localization and LQA company specialized in the video game industry. Marina has over 16 years of experience in the localization industry and a lifetime experience as a gamer. In 2017, she received the Women-Owned Business Enterprise Rising Star Award presented by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation to a young business with great promise, and in 2020 she received the Enterprising Women of the Year Award. In 2022, Terra Localizations was listed by Inc. Magazine as one of the Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America.

Bucks Gaming
Patrick is the Esports Manager for the Milwaukee Bucks, representing Bucks Gaming, the leading professional esports team in Wisconsin. He has been actively involved with esports in Wisconsin since founding Marquette Gaming and Esports in 2017 and presiding over it until graduating in 2020. He is thrilled to be a part of the growing esports movement in Wisconsin and anxiously awaits the day Milwaukee becomes a hub for esports competitions and events. His favorite video game is League of Legends.

Academy of Esports
James O’Hagan is an educator and community leader in SE Wisconsin who sees esports as a pathway as an opportunity to redefine athletic culture, diversify opportunities for student participation, promote good mental and physical health, increase career and collegiate pathways, and honor the importance of play. James has helped grow scholastic esports on a global scale. His favorite modern video game is Undertale. His favorite retro video game is Galaga.

WI HS Esports Association
Mike is the President of the Wisconsin Esports Highschool Association (WIHSEA), which since its inception has grown to over 65 teams across the state, with expectations of being well over 100 in the near future. He is a passionate educator and excited about the future of Esports in the Milwaukee region and Wisconsin. His favorite retro video game is BattleToads.

Brandolier Creative
Heavily influenced by video games as a kid, Brad credits his love of retro games as a significant inspiration to his design, animation and storytelling graphic style. As an experienced Creative Director in the marketing and advertising industry, Brad runs his own marketing company, Brandolier Creative, in Waukesha and serves as a brand curator for the MKEsports Alliance. His favorite retro game is Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES.
