16 Feb Meet the Community – Colin Downs
- Who are you? (First and Last Name)
- Colin Downs
- What Organization do you represent? (As it relates to why you’d be getting highlighted in an Esports Newsletter)
- La Crosse Area YMCA Esports Coordinator
- Why do you personally believe esports is important, both to our region and in general?
Esports gives opportunity to those that are not interested or unable to participate in traditional sports to still get the life and social skills that team sports teaches young kids. I have played team sports my entire life and loved every second of it. My life long friends from high school and college have at one point been a teammate of mine and I want to pass those good memories on to the next generation of kids. Breaking the negative stereotypes surrounding video games and esports is a personal goal of mine to show people that playing or watching esports is no different than any other hobby and should be encouraged for kids and even adults that have those interests.
- What games did you grow up playing and what are you playing the most now?
I grew up playing primarily sport simulation games and arena fps shooters. Games like Call of duty and halo I fell in love with and being the best among my friends became an obsession. We would play gamebattles matches everyday after school until getting in trouble by my parents for being up so late on school nights. I even went to some local LAN tournaments back in the prime playing days.
Now I still play a healthy amount of FPS games and battle royal games, I like mixing it up to always be doing something new. Flipping from COD to Apex to Overwatch 2 to Fortnite and now even trying my hand at mouse and keyboard games like Valorant. As well as mixing in sports games like Madden, 2K, NHL, and The Show depending on what season it is while relaxing is also what I like to play.
- If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
One game for the rest of my life would be tough but I would have to say the Call of Duty franchise and if I was held to just 1 game inside that it would be Modern Warfare 3.
- Where can people find you? (Socials/Twitch/etc)
- Twitch –YMCALAX – Twitch
- YouTube: laxymca Esports – YouTube
- Discord: CDowns22#1037
If you would like to learn more on how to get involved, please email brandon@mkeesports.com.
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